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Tall el-Hammam 亚伯什亭Abel-Shittim

 张逸萍译自:Event of Abel-Shittim around Tall el-Hammam“   by Dr. David Graves



Tall el-Hammam俯瞰约旦河谷


在青铜时代晚期,Tall el-Hammam (简称TeH) 周围的区域,被大多数学者认定为亚伯什亭(Abel Shittim,希伯来语意为哀哭的皂荚木),这是以色列人进入应许之地之前的营地(民记 25:1,申 34:9;书 2:13:1)。在 Merrill 的文章“The Shittim Plain下,他说

 他们在摩押平原沿约旦河边安营,从南边的伯耶施末,直到北边的亚伯什亭。他们的帐篷一定覆盖了整个平原。……在西边的 Tel Kefrein Tel er Eama [sic Tall er-Ramah] 和东边的山脉之间,有两个重要的废墟需要注意。这些是北部的Tel el Hammam,那里有广大的遗址和一个温泉[5个温泉]; 和南部的 Tel Ektanu [Iktanu] [1]

 NIV 考古圣经研读本》(NIV Archaeological Study Bible )将Tall el-Hammam 确定为亚伯什亭,然而,它没有为这种识别提供考古证据,可能是因为它的识别是基于地理位置而不是物质的发现。[2]   在摩西时代(青铜时代晚期),亚伯什亭位于毗斯迦山下方(尼波山旁边),这地区被描述为旷野(“毗斯迦的山下的旷野”; “巴末到摩押地的谷,又到那下望旷野之毗斯迦的山顶。”(民 21:20))。

(Abel Shittim) 的事件以及 Tall el-Hammam 周围平原上的一个地区。

 当摩西和约书亚在 TeH 周围扎营时,他们并没有留下太多可辨认的文物。Tall el-Hammam 卫城有一座小型青铜后期的结构的,可能是一座了望塔/信号塔,用于与耶路撒冷、耶利哥和约旦河谷周围的其他城市进行通信。





Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography. Translated by Anson F. Rainey. 2nd ed. Louisville: Westminster/Knox, 1981), 419.Avi-Yonah, Michael. The Madaba Mosaic Map with Introduction and Commentary (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1954), 37. 
Davies, Graham I. The Way of the Wilderness a Geographical Study of the Wilderness Itineraries in the Old Testament. SOTSMS 5 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 36.
Glueck, Nelson. Explorations in Eastern Palestine II. AASOR 15. (New Haven, CT: ASOR, 1935), 378;

Glueck, Nelson. “Some Ancient Towns in the Plains of Moab.” BASOR 91 (1943): 7–26 [see 15].

Harrison, R. K. “Shittim,” ed. Edward M. Blaiklock, The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1983), 413.

Kaiser, Jr., Walter C., and Duane Garrett, eds. NIV Archaeological Study Bible: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), 233.

Khouri, Rami G. Antiquities of the Jordan Rift Valley (Manchester, MI: Solipsist, 1988),76.Miller, J. Maxwell and Gene M. Tucker, The Book of Joshua, The Cambridge Bible Commentary of the English Bible (Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 1974), 199.

MacDonald, Burton, East of the Jordan: Territories and Sites of the Hebrew Scriptures, ed. Victor H. Matthews, ASOR Books 6 (Boston, MA: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2000), 90.

Merrill, Selah. “Modern Researches in Palestine.” Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York 9 (1877): 109–25 [see 117].

Merrill, Selah. “Modern Researches in Palestine.” Palestine Exploration Fund: Quarterly Statement (PEFSt). 11, no. 1 (1879): 138–54 [see 144].
Negev and Gibson, call the site Tell el-Harman [sic. Tall el-Hammam] “Abel Shittim; Shittim, ” in The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land (1 Vol., Rev and updated ed. Avraham Negev and Shimon Gibson, 3rd ed. 2001), 1.
Slayton, Joel C. “Shittim.” In Anchor Bible Dictionary, edited by David Noel Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1996), 5:1222.
Thomson, William M. The Land and the Book: Lebanon, Damascus, and Beyond Jordan. Vol. 3. 3 vols. (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 1886), 3:669.
Walton, John H., Victor H. Matthews, and Mark W. Chavalas. The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 169, 213.




在约旦河谷的 Tall el-Hammam 挖掘 15 年后,我们终于获得了 DOA 的正式许可,可以在现场使用无人机。空中拍摄得的照片,真了不起。第一张照片是卫城向东北看。第二,我们在过去几年中的挖掘工作,一直延伸到中青铜时代 2期。较低的遗迹一样大(总共超过 100 英亩)。这是约旦河谷最大的遗址,也是几个世纪以来,在黎凡特所挖掘的(青铜早期,青铜晚期)最大的遗址之一(青铜中期的夏琐和亚实基伦更大)。我们相信青铜中期的破坏层是所多玛。青铜晚期时期的,是亚伯什亭。 罗马时期的,是Livias



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[1] Merrill, Selah. “Modern Researches in Palestine.” Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York 9 (1877): 109–25 [see 117]; Merrill, Selah. “Modern Researches in Palestine.” Palestine Exploration Fund: Quarterly Statement (PEFSt). 11, no. 1 (1879): 138–54 [see 144].

[2] Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., and Duane Garrett, eds. NIV Archaeological Study Bible: An Illustrated Walk Through Biblical History and Culture (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006), 233.





